Mostly Unsung typically charges AUD $60 for a detailed report on an Australian service person and where lengthy research needs to be undertaken, hourly fees are charged. Depending on the research involved, fees starting at AUD $80 per hour can be expected. Mostly Unsung also offers a Canberra and London based research service (Charge usually up to $80 per hour) and is well known in radio, TV, historical magazines and other media outlets.
A half yearly catalogue is available on request (by post or EMail) and research on individuals is presented in a unique and understandable manner with all biographical and service aspects covered chronologically with detail of medals, movements, sickness, promotions, troopship names, locations and battles regardless of how often a person served. Most research is completed in a week.
In addition to client initiated research tasks, Mostly Unsung also researches and publishes on a range of Australian and British military history subjects. Resources available and examples published include regimental histories; Honours and Awards for Matabeleland and Mashonaland in the 1890’s; Officers at the Defence Of Ladysmith; Anglo Papuans in World War One; Alien Internees in Australia World War Two; medal rolls such as those for the Crimea, New Zealand Wars, M Special Unit and many more; Victorian Military Force court martials pre-Federation; Australians and others in the Spanish Civil War, Escapees From Singapore in 1942; Prisoners of War; fatal and non fatal casualty lists; Aliases; Australians with Irregular units in the Boer War; Australians serving with Allied nations and the North Russian Relief Force; British Commonwealth Occupation Force (Japan) Army nominal roll; records for World War Two units like FELO and SOE; World War Two Army and RAAF unit movements, facilities, aliases, municipal honour rolls and unit nominal rolls. Recent publications are Men of ANGAU, Women of Cowra, More Men of Beersheba, Plover Force and Australia's Doughboys - a history of the 5th Australian Field Bakery, all with histories and rolls.

Our Boer War holdings are unique and include computerised medal entitlements for the men and women of all Australian Contingents to the Boer War 1899-1902 (with many more than listed in ‘Murray’s’). Also held are copies of service papers for Irregular units such as Settle’s Scouts, Orange River Scouts, Border Horse, Rand Rifles, Rhodesian Regiment, Transport Stock Riders, Eastern Province Mounted Rifles, Orpen’s Light Horse and the Kaffrarian Rifles. Stacks of Australians are to be found in these largely over-looked records. Similarly, countless rolls for units such as the Town Guards and NSW Lancers plus Hart’s Army Lists for details of British and Colonial officers circa the Boer War are held. Other resources include Field Intelligence Department records for the Boer War.
British Military Research. Neil and Sylvie Smith undertake British military research at The National Archives, Kew, London, The National Army Museum and Imperial War Museum on a regular basis. The next visit is August/September 2024. Research tasks are welcome. The rate for a typical research task for a World War One or 19th century British service person is a very reasonable $80 – payable like most of our research, on completion.
For information on publications which are currently stocked, most with detailed nominal rolls see our Publications Section.