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Carving Up

The Melon


Australians in the Boxer Rebellion,

China 1900-1901

Fully indexed with detailed nominal roll, photographs, etc.



Published 2000



Soldiers Bleed



The Redcoats at the Eureka Stockade 1854

The detailed history of the Redcoats who fought the miners at the Eureka Stockade in 1854 - a great reference for people researching the Eureka Stockade and the military involvement there.



Published 2004



With New Zealand Contingents

to the Boer War 1899-1902

Over 200 men detailed.












Published 2000

Boer War


Mounted Rifles


Boer War 1899-1902

Nominal roll of this Boer War 1899-1902 Irregular unit showing significant occurrences and medal issues. Some Australians noted.



Published 2008

Boer War

The Corps of

Cattle Rangers


Boer War 1899-1902

Outline history and detailed alphabetical nominal roll of this highly irregular unit in the Boer War. Many Australians identified especially from Queensland.


Published 2006

Boer War


Featherbed Soldiers


The New South Wales Lancers in the Boer War 1899 - 1902

The New South Wales Lancers was raised in 1883 as a light horse unit but, following the return of its contingent from the Sudan that had served with the New South Wales Artillery in 1885, it converted to a lancer unit. In 1899 a squadron of 100 officers and men from the Lancers, under the command of Captain C. Cox, travelled to Britain, where it participated in a military tournament at Islington and undertook training at Aldershot.

Published 2001

Boer War

Mafeking Town



Boer war 1899-1902

Alphabetical listing of personnel on the Queen’s South Africa Medal Roll with remarks.




Published 2001

Boer War

The Bushies



A Biographical History of the New South Wales Citizen’s Bushmen Contingent to the Boer War 1899-1902

All men researched in detail plus overview of Contingent’s service at Elands River and elsewhere.






Published 2002

Boer War

The South

African Mounted Irregular Forces

1899 - 1902

A detailed listing of units (Bushveldt Carbineers, etc) with period/place of service.







Published 2002

Boer War

The Third

Australian Light Horse Regiment 1914-1918

A Short History and Listing of Those Who Served

Reference for the Australian 3rd Light Horse Regiment, being a concise history, followed by a nominal roll, casualty summary, honours and awards, and abbreviations; 4 maps, The Levant, The Anzac Area 1915, Sinai 1915-17, Palestine 1918.

Published 1993

World War One


Army Doctors Who Died in World War One

Japan 1946-1952 Australian Component Roll of Honour

Notes, Statistics and a detailed list showing cause of death, etc.






Published 2014

World War One




The First Australian Merchant Seamen at War 1914

Notes and detailed roll of the crew who took the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force for New Guinea to war.











Published 2016

World War One

The Empire's

Other Anzacs


The Ceylon Planters Rifle Corps

A short history and detailed nominal roll. A truly special and poorly recognised who served as General Birdwood’s bodyguard on Gallipoli. There are even a few Australians identified among them.

Published 2014

World War One

Men of



A History of the 4th Light Horse Regiment 1914-1919













Published 1993


World War One


Zealanders In The First AIF


History and detailed roll.









Published 1993

World War One


Australian Naval Brigade


Naval Guard Section

World War One

An overview of this World War One Unit with detailed listing of Melbourne Section personnel.






Published 2004

World War One

What's in a



Aliases of the Australian Military Forces 1914-1919

Aliases of the Australian Military Forces 1914-19. Thousands listed and cross referenced with an analysis of the high incidence of aliases being used.

Published 1995

World War One

Men of the 1st Australian Commando Platoon

Middle East

Notes and a detailed nominal roll for this little known Australian Commando unit raised in the Middle East during World War Two.





Published 2005

World War Two

Men of the 8th

Division Ammunition Sub Park

A short history of the 8th Division Ammunition Sub Park 1940 - 1945

A history and detailed listing of all members with service, honours, casualties, etc. Includes Nominal Roll.





Published 2009

World War Two

Australians in



Tracing your World War Two Australian Military Ancestors

This book provides readers with a summary of Australia's military history in conflict, a glimpse of where to look and what to look for, as well as some guidance on how to understand military records, which translates to getting the most out of them. 

For those seeking to search our their World War Two Australian military ancestors, there is no better place to start.

Published 2017

World War Two


Kokoda Track



An Outline History of Australian Involvement in the Campaign with Unit and Full Casualty Listings.












Published 2019

World War Two

The Light Aid Detachments in World War Two

An examination of these much overlooked units of the Electrical and Mechanical Engineers of World War Two

With detailed listing of all LAD’s (by number) with parent Arms, units, major dates, locations and movements recorded.







Published 2006

World War Two

Soldiers of ‘M’

Special Unit


An outline history of this highly classified World War Two Australian Special Forces/Commando unit

detailed alphabetical listing of all Army personnel together with casualties, honours and awards and more.




Published 2004

World War Two

More of the



Australasians in the Battle of Britain

Surpasses previous attempts to identify Australian and New Zealand aircrew who flew in the Battle of Britain between 10th July and 31st October 1940. Over 190 men with Australasian connections with additional research.

Published 2010

World War Two


Liberation Medal 1944


Australian Military Force

Members with Qualifying Service

Detailed listing of Australian Military Force personnel with qualifying service with supporting notes.

Published 2012

World War Two

Soldiers of the

New Guinea Air Warning Wireless Company

Australian Military Forces

World War Two

Outline history and detailed nominal roll for this highly classified World War Two Australian Imperial Force unit which did fine work behind enemy lines in New Guinea.

Published 2004

World War Two

The Tobruk



9th April to 21st December 1941 Australian Imperial Force Units Present

A listing of Australian Imperial Force Units present at varying stages of the siege from 9th April to 21st December 1941.









Published 2005

World War Two

Mostly Unsung



Australia and the Commonwealth in the Malaya Emergency 1948-1960

Includes detailed alphabetical roll of all Australian Army personnel who served.






Published 1989

Malaya Emergency


Army Training Team Vietnam

Casualty List

Casualty List for all fatal and non fatal casualties. Many more non fatal than previously recorded.





Published 2012

South Vietnam




With the Australian Army on the Malay Peninsular 1964-65

An overview of Australian operations during Indonesian Confrontation with detailed alphabetical listing of Army personnel who qualified for the General Service Medal 1962 with bar Malay Peninsular including extensive research on other service, honours, etc.

Published 2004

Indonesian Confrontation


Commonwealth Occupation Forces

Australian Army Location Statements

An overview of the BCOF commitment with listing of Australian Army units/detachments circa 1950.










Published 2003


Purple With

A Green Stripe


Australian Military Force Recipients of the General Service Medal 1918-1964. Excludes Malaya bar for Australian service.













Published 1991




Prisoners of War


World War One

Australian Flying Corps

Australian Imperial Force

POW List 122

Alphabetical computer lists of all POWs with detail of place of capture, fate, etc.



Published 1998

World War One

Finding The

Family Redcoat


tracing your British military ancestors in Australia

A concise guide to researching the British garrison in Australia 1788-1870.


Published 2013


Victoria And

Australia's First War


by Ian MacFarlane


Neil C Smith

New Zealand (Maori) Wars 1840’s to 1860’s

A detailed study of the part played by the Colonial Australian mariners of HMCSS Victoria during the First Taranaki War against the New Zealand Maori in 1860-61.

Published 2005


Balloonists in

the Boer War


A brief history of this small Royal Engineer Unit

Includes detailed Nominal Roll including Medal aspects, awards and bars.









Published 2010

Boer War

Brought to



British Held Records of Australian Rewards for the Boer War 1899-1902

This is a compilation of British held records of Australian Rewards for the Boer War 1899-1902. Research document.

Published 1994

Boer War


Australian Scouts


Boer War 1899-1902

A short history and biographical record of this poorly documented Australian unit in the Boer War which is even excluded in ‘Murray’s’. With medal entitlements, other service, etc.

Published 2008

Boer War


Yeomanry Scouts


A History of the Imperial Yeomanry Scouts in the Boer War 1899-1902

A history of the Imperial Yeomanry Scouts in the Boer War 1899-1902 including the abortive attempt to raise Hamilton’s Scouts in Australia, then the Irregular unit raised in South Africa. Includes detailed research on both groups of men.







Published 2002

Boer War

Natal Naval



Boer War 1899 -1902

Tells of the Natal Naval Volunteers, which formed on 30th April 1885 in Durban, on a part-time basis. The group was established primarily out of fear of a Russian invasion.


Published 2006

Boer War


Light Horse


Boer War 1899-1902

A short history of the Cape Colony raised Irregular unit with detailed nominal roll showing personal and service details plus medals and other military service. Includes several Australians.






Published 2008

Boer War

The Odd



Australians and Military Justice in the Boer War 1899-1902

Australians and Military Justice in the Boer War 1899-1902.An investigation into the extent of Australian transgressions with detail on 224 Australians who erred and were punished.



Published 1999

Boer War

The Australian

Army Nursing Service


A Short History with World War One Nominal Roll and Award Citations

The most accurate listing of Australian nurses available.






Published 1996

World War One

The History of

the Australian Voluntary Hospital

World War One

A detailed account of the history of the Australian Voluntary Hospital during World War One. Based on the Unit War Diary and more from Australian and British records. Includes detailed nominal rolls of the Australian and Royal Army Medical Corps personnel attached.

Published 2006

World War One




Australia's Bluejackets in German New Guinea 1914

The sailors of the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force to German New Guinea in 1914 made an indelible mark on Australia’s rich military history during World War One.

They were the first Australians to fight and die in the conflict. They conducted the first bayonet charge and won the first gallantry decorations. Now, the story of these unique Bluejackets can be told and they can at last be identified by name.

Published 2016

World War One

The General

Service Medal bar Kurdistan to Australians

An overview of the campaign and detailed medal roll listing all 53 medal recipients





Published 2006

World War One

Men of the



The Sinking of the Australian Imperial Force Troopship Ballarat

The story of the sinking of the Australian Imperial Force Troop Ship Ballarat near England in April 1917. Includes detailed nominal roll of all Army personnel.








Published 2006

World War One

One Thousand



An Examination of the First 1000 Enlistments in the Royal Australian Air Force.

Indexed with a detailed nominal roll.






Published 2003

World War One

Tropical Force



of the 1st Australian Imperial Force 1914-21

Nominal Roll with further service remarks. Short history of the Tropical Force Veterans, then follows a 28 page nominal roll. A valuable research tool for Family History, genealogy, medal collectors and professional AN&MEF researchers.

Published 1995

World War One


Captured by the Raider Wolf

An account of the infamous German Raider in World War One

with detailed listing of those captured including Australia’s only two females taken as a Prisoners of War in that conflict.


Published 2006

World War One

Men of the

15th Field Ambulance


World War Two 1939-1945

A short history with detailed chronology and alphabetical roll of all personnel with all casualties, honours and awards, etc.





Published 2005

World War Two

Men of the 9th

Divisional Ski Company


Australian Imperial Force World War Two

The history of this little known Australian Imperial Force unit in the Middle East in 1941-42. Complete with detailed roll showing an exceptional group of men who went on to pay dearly in subsequent battles with many decorated.

Published 2005

World War Two

Commander in

Chief's Commendations


Australian Military Forces

World War Two

Detailed alphabetical listing of all Commendations. There is no other visibility of these awards as they were not gazetted.









Published 2003

World War Two


Cairo and Beyond


Campaigning with the Anti Tankers in the Middle East

Campaigning with the Anti Tankers in the Middle East. The author Geoffrey Pritchard was a member of the 24th Anti Tank Company. He was wounded at Tobruk and El Alamein with the 24th Anti Tank Company and 2/3rd Anti Tank Regiment. This is a indepth account from a veteran's perspective includes a list of casualities of both units are found in the appendix of this book.

Published 2002


World War Two

Loyal Service



Papua New Guinea

World War Two

Alphabetical listing of Papua and New Guinea natives who received this unique award in World War Two.



Published 2008

World War Two

Men of Cowra



The 22nd Garrison Battalion and the Cowra Break-out 1944

A short history of the Japanese prison camp escape and detailed nominal roll of those who faced them, with detail which allows in most cases those present at the break-out to be identified.



Published 2006

World War Two

The Nino Bixio



An examination of the loss of Australian Prisoners Of War on the Italian vessel Nino Bixio in August 1942



Published 2004

World War Two

Robin Force



The Australian Defence of New Caledonia World War Two

An outline history of Robin Force and Poppy Force with detailed nominal roll of Australians from 3rd Commando Company, etc.


Published 2001

World War Two

They Came



The Men and Women of Z Special Unit

A history of the Allied Intelligence Bureau with all operations summarised.  A biographical history and detailed nominal rolls for personnel of this highly classified World War Two Australian special force unit. Gallantry citations for Z Special Unit members are also included. Over 2400 men and women listed with operational and other service noted, missions, etc. Comprises 271 pages, index, photos, maps and appendices.

Published 2010

World War Two

With The Red



Australian Merchant Mariners Who Paid The Supreme Sacrifice in World War Two

A study of the subject and detail of Australian vessels sunk, etc plus detailed listing of those Australian mariners who perished during the war. A total of 600 are recorded and therefore hundreds more than identified officially in the past.

Published 2006

World War Two

Home By



With the Australians in Korea 1950-56

With detailed Army nominal roll.






Published 1990




Concert Parties


South East Asia 1965-1976

Notes and details of all involved with acts, dates and places visited. Some not listed in the Vietnam Nominal Roll and much fresh, never before published material.






Published 2014

South Vietnam

Nothing Short

of War


With the Australian Army in Borneo 1962-1966

Indonesian Confrontation 1962-1966.

With the Australian Army in Borneo 1962-1966. A history of Australian involvement in Indonesian Confrontation. 200 pages, hard cover with jacket, index, never before published photographs, bibliography and rolls compiled from Unit Routine Orders Part II plus all recorded casualties, honours and awards and other service listed.

Published 1999

Indonesian Confrontation

Disarming the



Australian Soldiers with the British Commonwealth Occupation Forces Japan 1946-1952

An examination of the Australian Army men and women of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force in Japan 1946-1952 with a short history of BCOF and the long awaited nominal roll, which it was said couldn’t be compiled. This detailed roll is now complete and records 20,000 Australian Military Force men and women. The book comprises 263 pages and also contains a Time Line, unit lists, index and photographs.

Published 2012


Why Was He



Interpreting Australian Army Discharge Authorities

Interpreting Australian Army discharge authorities circa 1914-1970. Notes by N C Smith 2011.




Published 2011


Riders of



The 4th Australian Light Horse Field Ambulance 1917 - 1918

An Autobiography and History

by Patrick M. Hamilton.

A detailed history based on the author’s diary and official records. Includes index, footnotes and alphabetical roll with citation details.

Published 1996


World War One




Medal Roll

With notes and additional remarks to the original medal roll. Listed alphabetically.

Was $25 now $20


Published 2007


1st Tasmanian contingent__1554776532_211

1st Tasmanian



Boer War 1899-1902

New Zealand (Maori) Wars 1840’s to 1860’s

An outline history with detailed nominal roll with medal listings and related service and biographical details. 2002. Card cover.




Published 2005

Boer War


Mounted Infantry


South Africa 1899 to 1902

Sir Edward Cecil Bethune, was a British soldier who raised and led his own regiment, Bethune's Mounted Infantry, in the Second Boer War. 

Bethune's Mounted Infantry fought at the battles of Colenso and Spion Kop, and took part in the Relief of Ladysmith. Members included British, Australian and USA men.

Book provides a history and nominal roll with details.

Published 1999

Boer War


Burgher Concentration Camps

Staff Media Roll

Boer War 1899-1902

A short history of this black chapter in the Boer War 1899-1902 and medal rolls.



Published 2009

Boer War


Fatal Casualties


Boer War 1899 -1902

An examination and alphabetical listing of all fatal casualties of soldiers in Australian Contingents in the Boer War 1899 -1902 either during or shortly after service in Southern Africa.

Published 2000

Boer War


Recipients of the King's South Africa Medal


Detailed alphabetical listing of all known recipients.













Published 2003

Boer War

News From

The Veldt


Australians writing home from the Boer War 1899-1900

The letters and stories written by Australians who served and fought during the Boer War in South Africa between 1899 and 1900.


Published 1999

Boer War


Prisoners of War


Boer War 1899-1902

An examination and alphabetical listing of all known Australian Prisoners of War in the Boer War 1899-1902. A total of 222 recorded including over 180 with Australian Contingents and therefore about 80 more than recorded officially by the Australian War Memorial, etc. Excludes men simply ‘overrun’ and released, such as at Wilmansrust or Onverwacht.

Published 2005

Boer War

The Red and

Black Diamond


The History of the 21st Battalion 1915 - 1918

A history of the 21st Battalion with detailed nominal roll, award citations. Indexed.






Published 1997


World War One

An Australian

In Tsingtao


The Kiao-Chau campaign against the Germans in China in 1914

Includes detailed casualty and honours list with the surprising inclusion of an Australian Army Officer.





Published 2016

World War One

Back to the



British Imperial Army Reservists in Australia 1914

An examination of the part played by British Imperial Army Reservists resident in Australia at the outbreak of World War One. Includes a detailed  listing of over 1600 men, many of whom made the supreme sacrifice.

Published 2016

World War One

British Issues

of the Silver War Badge


to the Australian Imperial Force

World War One

An overview of the campaign and detailed medal roll listing all 53 medal recipients.












Published 2006

World War One

The Kiwi



Australians in the New Zealand Expeditionary Force 1914-1919

Alphabetical listing with analysis of the subject.




Published 1997

World War One

The Military

Massage Corps

World War One

A Short History with Medal Roll

An outline history of this poorly documented British Army group with alphabetical roll for those who served overseas including Australian and other Commonwealth personnel.

Describes the history of The Military Massage Corps, which was recognised formally in 1915, making it the official body to which all masseurs and masseuses engaged in service in military hospitals should belong.

Published 2007

World War One

Pour Le Merite



French awards to Australians in World War One

Translated from French documents with over 50 citations and several recipients not previously identified.






Published 2000

World War One

Under Friendly



Australians Who Served in the Land, Sea, and Air Forces of Allied Nations in World War One

An analysis and detailed listing of over 12,000 who so served. With many British records destroyed during the Blitz there is no other visibility of many of these men and women.


Published 1998

World War One

Women's Royal

Navy Service


World War One Medal Roll

Alphabetical World War One Medal Roll with historical notes and remarks such as date appointed.




Published 2008

World War One

Men of the 5th Australian Bomb Disposal Platoon

A history of this poorly reported World War Two unit with detailed nominal roll and some photographs.

​A good account of 5th Australian Bomb Disposal Platoon, who were involved in bomb and explosive ordnance clearance duties during World War Two (1939-1945).

Published 2009

World War Two

A Rising Son

of Empire


by Charles S Harle (Lt. Col.)

The story of the author's military career.

The story of Charles Harle, Militia, 2/3 and 30 Battalions and RAEME.

Edited by Neil C Smith





Published 1992

World War Two


Military Force Recipients


of the France and Germany Star

An examination with all known recipients listed. More than previously belied to have been issued are identified.

This great title is a list of Australian recipients of the France and Germany Star World War Two.  A great reference for medal collectors.





Published 2009

World War Two

The Australian

Army Labour Service


A short history of the Service and its Labour, Works and Employment Companies in World War Two

including all major moves, dates, etc. Also a detailed casualty list and another for honours and awards.









Published 2006

World War Two

M Special Unit

World War Two


Medal Roll

The medal roll for the soldiers of 'M' Special Unit. M Special Unit, was part of the Services Reconnaissance Department, a joint Australian, New Zealand and British military intelligence reconnaissance unit, which saw action against the Japanese during World War II.

Published 2011

World War Two

Prisoners of

War on the Montevideo Maru

Covers the loss of the Japanese vessel with over 850 Australian POW's. With detailed roll.






Published 2001

World War Two


Australian Imperial Force Enlistments

World War Two

Medal Roll

A medal roll for all enlistments with a PX number in World War Two.



Published 2011

World War Two

Rose Force



The First To Fight

The story of the first Australian troops to fight the Japanese in Malaya with nominal roll.




Published 1994

World War Two




The History of the 4th Anti-Tank Regiment

The Regiment was raised in Victoria in late 1940 as part of the 8th Division, however, only part of the unit was despatched to fight in the Malayan peninsular. One battery remained in Australia, firstly to serve in the defence of Darwin, and then in numerous camps in New South Wales before being unceremoniously disbanded.  

Includes Nominal Roll



Published 1992

World War Two

Worth a



Members of the Australian Army Mentioned in Despatches in World War Two

Australian Army Personnel Mentioned in Despatches 1939-45. All recipients listed alphabetically with unit indicated.




Published 1996

World War Two

8th Battalion,

The Royal Australian Regiment

Fatal and Non Fatal Casualty List South Vietnam 1969-1970

All fatal and non fatal casualties listed, showing whether Australian Regular Army, National Service, battle or non battle related. A total of 165 including a few not previously listed.

Published 2012

South Vietnam


Army Female Service


in South Vietnam 1965-1973

Overview and listing of all who served including Nurses, Doctors, Red Cross, etc. Over 70 ladies recorded.







Published 2004

South Vietnam


Commonwealth Occupation Forces

Japan 1946-1952 Australian Component Roll of Honour

For all three services plus a Merchant Mariner and includes BCOF men not on the Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour.










Published 2010



Army National Service Fatalities 1951-1959

An examination of the Scheme and the 50 plus young men who died whilst serving either on part or full time duty.

Not to be found on any Honour Rolls and an aspect never before addressed. This work places into greater context the sacrifice of so many Conscripts who would otherwise never be recognised.







Published 2011

National Service


Construction Squadrons


An outline history of these RAAF units with key dates and movements recorded.







Published 2002

World War Two

Boer War
Korea, South Viet

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